Pagoda dogwood branch with leaves, Cornus alternifolia.

November 2024 Newsletter

Welcome to our November newsletter! We have new species available to share with you. Scroll to the bottom to see our new seed offerings.

The seeds that we are now offering began their journey in the summer of 2022. We sourced our foundation seed from wild populations in Durham region, Ontario so that it is genetically diverse, resilient, and adapted to our local climate. 

In 2023 we used the foundation seed to plant our production fields. Many native species require two or more years before they reach maturity and start to produce seed. While we planted around thirty different native plant species, nine of them flowered and set seed last year.  This year we planted twenty new species in addition to expanding last year’s production beds. We go through this long process in order to produce the best possible seed for restoring our local ecosystems. 

September and October were busy months. We participated in our first farmers markets in Uxbridge, Ontario. The markets were a great opportunity to talk to people about growing native plants from seed. We also had a small selection of our native fern plants available (Maidenhair fern, Lady fern and Northern Beech fern). 

November is our main seed cleaning month.  The remainder of our new species will be available at the beginning of December, including Little Bluestem and Old Switch Panicgrass. Stay tuned!


New Species