Symphyotrichum puniceum
Purple-stemmed aster


Seeds per packet  500
Light  Sun, part shade
Moisture  wet
Height  25 to 150 cm
Flowering  August to October
Germination code C 90 days
Other common names Bog aster, bristly aster, red-stemmed aster, swamp aster

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Purple-stemmed aster is a fantastic plant for a wet site. It is very similar to New England aster. Purple-stemmed aster thrives in wetter locations and has lighter purple flowers than New England aster. Asters are important larval host plants for butterflies and other pollinators.

🦋 Host plant for Silvery Checkerspot (Chlosyne nycteis), Pearl Crescent (Phyciodes tharos), Northern Crescent (Phyciodes cocyta) and Tawny Crescent (Phyciodes batesii) butterflies.

For germination instructions see our Seed Treatments page.